
WW #52: Jom tengok TV9!



18 pesanan buat ayut :

Izwa Kamaruddin said... Reply To This Comment

citer ape nie?

suwara entertainment said... Reply To This Comment

yeayyyy!! akak pun tengok jugak. sedih kan

s h a said... Reply To This Comment

Sha suke cite korea jgk.Kalau x sempat tgk, option yg ade download.Hehe.

hazwan hairy said... Reply To This Comment

alamak xminat..hahah

Cik Rose said... Reply To This Comment

tak nampak la Ayut...

izzah said... Reply To This Comment

xpernah tgk pn..tajuk dia aper ni ayut?

nuyui a.k.a miss YUI said... Reply To This Comment

yg ni yui rajin tgk..hihi..terlpas leh tgk kat maaduu...

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Tak tengokkkkk.. Tengok online je lah :D

iietamalek said... Reply To This Comment

citer korea eh?

Mrs Velentine said... Reply To This Comment

x dapat tgk..xda astro

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

best ke citernya ayut?

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

tak sempat nak tgk.....

Miss N™ said... Reply To This Comment

kalau hero dia jang guen suk..nur mesti tgk.. :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

xde astro la... huhuhuuh

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

ehh tv9 kan? hahahaha.. tp mmg x tgk ler...

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

ha yang ni tak tengok.... hehee

IntaNBerliaN said... Reply To This Comment

akak kurang cite cina

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

tengok juga kalau teringat...

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