
Promote Blog!


Hari semalam secara automatik aku boleh send kat Page Erti Kehidupan link blog aku.
Ni dia owner Blog Erti Kehidupan
Memang sangat terbaik untuk promosi blog macam ni.hahaha.
I pemalu.Tapi bila orang offer I laju jer ^^

Laju gak aku hantar link.
Sebab dia nak 10 terawal je kot.

Thank you to him!

Referring URL dari facebook tetiba jadi pertama semalam.

So,promote la blog korang kalau terasa nak trafik banyak-banyak.
Salah satu cara jugak nak merapatkan silaturrahim antara blogger.
Blogger kat malaysia ni berlambak kot.
All the best untuk mempromosikan blog anda!

38 pesanan buat ayut :

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

tahniah..tahniah..hihi...pantas yer :)

nuyui a.k.a miss YUI said... Reply To This Comment


Cik Puan said... Reply To This Comment

Best Jugaxxxxx ;)

Umm AA said... Reply To This Comment

Wah nak promote akak malas sket FB nie...

Nursaila Norman said... Reply To This Comment

malu la nk bg link..dh la blogger Erti Kehidupan tu femes..kita ni sape la..huhuhuhuhu

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Wah, bestnya. Untunglah.

cydayf said... Reply To This Comment

wah.. bestlaaa ada org tlg promote blog ayut :D

Ayue Rejaluddin said... Reply To This Comment

Wahhh.... Boleh ikut jejak ni...
Thanks sharing...

AtieYusof said... Reply To This Comment

wahh..bagus nya..boleh jg promote kan?..:)

Mimie said... Reply To This Comment

tahniah ayut

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

wah... best tu...
segan nak suruh orang promote blog yang entah apa2 tu..

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Salah satu cara terbaiK!!!

hazwan hairy said... Reply To This Comment

10 kan mula2?tp stop dkt situ ja..bahahha

kurus said... Reply To This Comment

hurmm bagus juga macam nie kan ;)

Kancil 8349 said... Reply To This Comment

seronoknya...masih buka ke nie...hehehe

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

best la kalo pomot2 ni kan.. tp jrg on9 fb..huhuhu...

mayangbakingmadness said... Reply To This Comment

nak pomot gakkk..

ieza ashaari said... Reply To This Comment

jap lagi popular r ni.. hihi..

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Bestnyaaaaaaaaa ;D

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

bestnyaaa kena promotee., hehe

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

wah makin fofular lah ye

Lyaa Suriany said... Reply To This Comment

Sape nk tlg promote blog kite ni

Kayu Manis said... Reply To This Comment

sibuknya kak ni..tolong promote boleh..heheh

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

wah menarik ni...tapi sempat lg ke...dia nak 10 terawal je kan..?

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

pemalu lah.. lgpun sape la kite ni.. hehe

Shida Radzuan said... Reply To This Comment

blog ayut mmg beshhh hehee ^_^

hana hadi said... Reply To This Comment

waah xjumpa lagi org nak promote blog kat fb

Miss N™ said... Reply To This Comment

seronoknya terpilih...

aNiss :):) said... Reply To This Comment

WAH BEST ! dapat naik trafik :)

Annamariana1989 said... Reply To This Comment

kena cuba jugak ni..hihihi

inche hlovate said... Reply To This Comment

cara yg bgus hihi

nursuriani said... Reply To This Comment

mcm best jer nak huhuhu promote blog sendiri neh huhuhu

Cik Rose said... Reply To This Comment

wah Ayut dah promote ye.. bagus lah tu :)

Wanieys a.k.a IbuQalief said... Reply To This Comment

wah best tu ayut hehe

Mrs Velentine said... Reply To This Comment

bestnya untung ayut

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

blog ayut memang best! insyaAllah nanti makin naik trafik ayut... :)

Nik said... Reply To This Comment

mcm2 cara boleh promote blog kan.sis selalu guna busuk dan ping blog.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

untungnya........ selagi ada peluang...kita rebut.....

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Terima kasih atas komen anda!
Nanti kelapangan ayut balas komen ye ^^

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