
Request: Saya Nak Doodle Alif Ismail V2.0


Kenapa nak doodle daripada Alif ea...
OK.Aku nak doodle Alif sebab doodle Alif nampak lain cikit daripada orang lain.
Lepas tu,terasa macam nak try kekreatifan Alif buat doodle untuk diriku ini.
Nak tengok jugak hasilnya nanti cane.
Agak2x comel macam tuan badannya tu kira lulus dah.ahaks!
ok gurau ayat last tu! ^^

Warna Mata ea..
See?How different he is.Selalu orang akan tanya nak wane baju wane apa.
Ni si Alif tanya wanrna mata ok.huhuhu.
Warna Hazel ye Alif. ^^
Hazel tu ala-ala coklat tapi bukan coklat tak?

Jom sape nak doodle free.
Lawatlah Alif Ismail!

14 pesanan buat ayut :

mayangbakingmadness said... Reply To This Comment

selamat dpt doodle yg comel2 belaka

AtieYusof said... Reply To This Comment

Good Luck..
moga ada rezeki dpt doodle yang di idam kan...:)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

sebelum alif kasi...remy kasi dulu....
tahniah....... sahabat dah berjaya dlm segmen remy .... 2nd Ohsem Anniversary aku cuma seorang kulikutif !!!! let's check out !!!!!

Ena's Stories said... Reply To This Comment

gud luck dear..
mmg cute pun doodles tuh..

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Goodluck ;D

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

moga berjaya ye ayut.. =)

nuyui a.k.a miss YUI said... Reply To This Comment

moga ayut dpt doodlenya ya,

suwara entertainment said... Reply To This Comment

good luck ayut!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

wah siap mintak warna hazel ye ayut...hihi...apa2 pun semoga dapat doodle tu....:)

Miss N™ said... Reply To This Comment

semoga berjaya ayut...

Shida Radzuan said... Reply To This Comment

wahhh smartlah doodle dia :)

QA's ~ mamapapa said... Reply To This Comment

Comelll :)

Mrs Velentine said... Reply To This Comment

good luck

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

smartnya doodle dia..moga berjaya ayut!

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Terima kasih atas komen anda!
Nanti kelapangan ayut balas komen ye ^^

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