
Wordless Wednesday (8) !! Kuih Raya Popia Ikan Bilis-1 !!


Thanks Yui!
Yang pasti memang best.
Kawanku jua mengakuinya :)

28 pesanan buat ayut :

nuyui a.k.a miss YUI said... Reply To This Comment

ur welcome dear..thnx coz 2x beli dgn yui..

cmne kali ini? okay tak bila smpai.

IntaNBerliaN said... Reply To This Comment

adehhhh dan2 tingat kat popia.. hihi

nur anis said... Reply To This Comment

makan popia macam ni, kejap je boleh licin..:)

Cik Rose said... Reply To This Comment

haa..dah sampai.. tunggu raya baru makan tau.. kang abis jugak nanti.. hihihi

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

takpernah beli online bile bab makan ni.. ngeeee...

- AZIE - said... Reply To This Comment

ngidam pulak la hai nak mkn bila tgk ayut asyik post sal nie jer huhuhuhuhu

Norzie hany said... Reply To This Comment

Suka mkn mini popia.

Mrs. Abi said... Reply To This Comment

wah....rangup ni kann...

Prettywrite said... Reply To This Comment

kuih raya macam ni lg best dari biskut2 raya bg yana..sebab biskut2 tu muak takleh telan banyak..huhu..

Umm AA said... Reply To This Comment

Yutt....awak ode popia lg..mentang2 laa senang dpt kan...takper lah ..akak tak mind set nak buat popia thn ni...nanti akak kuar list kueh raya yg akak bakal homemade kan..huhuh..awak kena order..hehe

Pka Rahim said... Reply To This Comment

sedap nya. febret pka tu ;))

ayut said... Reply To This Comment

@nuyui a.k.a miss YUI ok..sampai dgn selamat :) hihihi

ayut said... Reply To This Comment

@IntaNBerliaN hahaha..nk bwak blik ni kak..tu 2 tgkat smpi :)

ayut said... Reply To This Comment

@nur anis btul..sdap je msuk mulut :)

ayut said... Reply To This Comment

@ros_reeza hahaha..bek..tak mau bukak dh selotape tu ;)

ayut said... Reply To This Comment bli on9 kna try dlu..baru blh tau ok ke tak :)

ayut said... Reply To This Comment

@Mrs Lurve hihihi..nnt try carik yg kecik melepaskan rsa ngidam akak tau..cian la.adehh

ayut said... Reply To This Comment

@Norzie hany kak la popia plak..hihihi..popia basah ke.. :)

ayut said... Reply To This Comment

@Mrs. Abi ranggup... :)

ayut said... Reply To This Comment

@Prettywrite btul Yana..klu kuih bt ckit2 je..klu yg mcm ni takpon kepek byk mane pon blh abis :)

ayut said... Reply To This Comment

@ummuaidan hihihi..sng.tu yg ada lg tu kak..wah nak homemade!nnt nk tgk hasil ummuaidan bt la..share resepi skali kak..mne tau ayut terajin kan ^^

ayut said... Reply To This Comment

@Pka Rahim sdap2... :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

ayut! makan time raya..kang belum sempat raya dah habis dulu..hehehe

ayut said... Reply To This Comment

@azizah :) hihihi..bek!jijah meh dtg umah beraya..nnt leh mkn popia ni :)

Shida Radzuan said... Reply To This Comment

shida nk oder nih xsempat2 lg adoiiii ^_^

ayut said... Reply To This Comment

@shida'R hihi..nnt dkat raya dh shida..cpt2.. :)

Cendol said... Reply To This Comment

cane?kuih raye popia ikan bilis?mcm tak tau je.tak pnah dngr.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Lama dah tak makan popia. hee. Tak pernah lagi makan popia ikan bilis :D

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